I spent the weekend with Camille's family this weekend, as they got ready to move away from their home (of 14 years!) in Media, PA. Her parents are Utah-bound this week, and it was fun to visit one last time (after all, I was awarded "honorary Moffat" status!) and to see some of Camille's favorite spots in Media.
Camille introduced me to Rita's:

We visited Camille's favourite park:

Then, we asked a nice man to take our picture, but he took 20 seconds of video instead? Ummmm..... The crazy thing is he was young, so we thought he'd know how to use an iPhone? I guess not. It was baffling. I took a screenshot of the video, but it has a ton of black space. Whoops...

Then we petted a rooster!

And, of course, it wouldn't really be an outing with Camille without some sort of photo shoot. Alas, she has all those photos, sooooo maybe I'll share a couple if she sends me some (please, CMoney$!)? And/or I'll link to whatevs she posts.
I also watched (half) of my first French movie! We went to bed before it ended. Now I'll never know what happens to Mr. Bob or "the girl who bloomed too young for her age."

On Easter morning, the Easter bunny came!

And I matched the daffodils in front of the house!

We got up early so we could see the Temple site for the Philadelphia temple.

And then we headed to Church, where, in addition to uplifting talks, awesome lessons, and beautiful music from the ward choir, there were BABIES, and PUPPIES, and hipster elders, and all SORTS of amazingness!! (There were also some really, umm, interesting comments about my name/my heritage/etc/etc? Ha.)
But puppies!!

We ended the day with a delicious Easter chicken dinner (SO gonna try that recipe soon!), and a happy birthday key lime meringue pie for Mama Moffat.

I LOVE living on the East coast and having these little getaways just a few hours away. It was a lovely Easter weekend in everybody's hometown. Thanks for letting me visit, Familia Moffat! And safe travels!! :) xoxo
PS I also was privileged to photograph history as Camille took one last dip in the pool -- never mind the 44-degree water! Unfortunately, my iPhone ran out of memory at the end, but check her out here anyway! (Video by me, uploaded to Camille's Vimeo.)
Yandary, thank you so much for coming!! It was so good to have you there, asking insightful questions about memories at my favorite haunts, picking up the pie, taking stalker pictures (you know which ones I mean), driving, and being all around awesome!!