- Made cookies and played board games:
I told them they couldn't eat them right away, and this is what happened. |
I know, I know! This is so immature, but we all laughed so hard! |
- Drove through upper campus at the U to see the good ol' residence halls (aka my 1st home in SLC).
The H.C.! Where I ate all my meals for THREE whole school years... Oh, man. |
- Took a "coffee break" with the BFF.
This is what "coffee break" means to Mormon girls. :) |
I love us in our work clothes. :) |
The view when you first get off the Riverdale Rd exit on I-15. (I know... I shouldn't take pictures while driving!) |
- Got crafty with my brothers:
Spencer can use a sewing machine better than I can! (Which isn't hard, since I don't know how to use one.) He was sewing a present for my mom. (See photo below for finished product!) |
Finally cutting up my old college t-shirts to make a quilt! |
I realized too late that I probably should have cut all the pieces the same size... Ooops. |
Hello from Chris! |
- Saw James Harden and Kevin Durrant on Jimmy Fallon:
- Celebrated my MOM'S (52ND) BIRTHDAY!! :D
Is it cheesy to be making shaped pancakes for my mom? Ha ha. :) |
Birthday lunch at Costa Vida |
Everyone gave her flowers. :) |
The little gray rabbit is Spencer's final project! :) Cute, no? |
Boys will be boys. :) |
A video of the happy birthday-ness:
Sister + bf |
- Took a fake (for me) nap in the car
They really WERE asleep. They always fall asleep on me. I wonder why... Ha ha. |
- And then I flew back to DC.
Can you spot the Mississippi River? (Also, I totally just Em-Eye-Ess-Ess-Eye-Ess-Ess-Eye-Pee-Pee-Eye'd that.) |
Also, hello from Ringo and Jaxie! BB wanted me to e-mail him a video of the pups on his P-Day, and now you get to see it, too. :)
Utah, you're pretty rad. :)
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