
November 08, 2014


I'm sick (read: starved for human contact). There. I said it. (Admitting it is the first step in overcoming it, right?) I started feeling sick on Monday, felt awful on Tuesday (but it was Election Day, so obviously, I still put in my 13 hours...), and I completely crashed the day after. I've been home in bed since Wednesday, mostly asleep, and this is what I've learned in these last four days in bed: mother knows best.

I thought I could get better on my own, but boy, was I wrong! (Although, hey! I did get a priesthood blessing from my home teachers on Thursday night! Go, me! And go home teachers! Esp Seth, who restocked my dwindling NyQuil/DayQuil supply!) I finally listened to my mom and went to the doctor today. I came back with two brand shiny new antibiotics (I can't even remember the last time I needed antibiotics.). I'm really grateful I have health insurance right now! And this is definitely the longest I've been out from work in my entire professional career, so here's hoping those antibiotics work quickly so I can get back to work!

So, basically, this is my life right now (please note that the Lipton's chicken noodle soup in the little envelopes is my very favorite chicken noodle soup of all the soups! none of this Campbell's nonsense... but con limón, duh.) --


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